

Order Changes and / or Cancellations
To fulfill your order at the earliest, we release all orders for production every day at mid-night Eastern Time (UTC-05:00). Hence, changes and cancellations are difficult once an order is submitted. However, we will make all attempts to accommodate your requests provided you contact us before mid-night Eastern Time on the order date.

Average Order Processing Time
Once an order is submitted, we release it for production at mid-night Eastern Time. Depending on the complexity of the embroidery, average processing time is between 4 to 7 days. International Shipping takes additional 4 to 7 days. Total expected delivery time ranges from 8 to 14 days.      

Repairs & Returns
Perfect fit is our primary focus. However, should there be any fit issues with your order, our stylist will assist you and reimburse repair costs as applicable. As all our products are custom-fit, we are not accepting returns at this point. However, we will ensure that our product meets your expectations !!!

Customer Service 
Please feel free to contact us