MySizeID App is secured, doesn't take pictures, easy to use and as accurate as measuring with a tape
Follow these instructions to submit your measurements for Ethique Chic Custom Tailored Dresses and Tops. Please note that the app works for 14-yr and older
Once you have installed the app on your mobile device, Sign Up using the same email ID as the one used / will be used on
Please follow the simple steps and video instructions provided in the app to complete your profile and capture measurements
We recommend wearing a snug-fit dress for better accuracy
Once you complete your profile and capture measurements on your mobile app, please return to this page and click the button, "USE MYSZIE APP TO SUBMIT MEASUREMENTS NOW" at the bottom of this page.

CLICK the button at the bottom of this page
introduction popup
Upon clicking the button, "USE MYSZIE APP TO SUBMIT MEASUREMENTS NOW" at the bottom on this page, you will see an introduction pop-up.
If you have logged in to MYSIZE before, you will be logged in automatically depending on your browser settings.
Sign In
Sign In on this pop-up after you have created your MySizeID Profile in the app. Once you Sign-in, you will be taken to the final step automatically.
Please note: If you are submitting measurements through app before checking out, please use the same email ID while checking out from Ethique Chic

submit your measurements
If you have already captured your measurements on your mobile device, the pop-up will automatically redirect to this step. Please click the "SHARE MEASUREMENTS" button on the pop-up
Please note: If the pop-up is not redirected automatically after signing in, please check your profile for completeness in the app.

You are all set
Please wait till the pop-up on this page is automatically redirected to confirmation of submission